The 100+ Women Who Care Grey Bruce continue with their direct support of needed funds in the community.
It is a simple concept where women join to make a difference with their donations that are directly given to a charity, chosen by the entire group. There is no ‘middle man(person)’ – all donations go directly to the charity of choice.
At the 100 Women Who Care September meeting, the 100 Women were proud to present their donation of $23,500 to the Women’s Centre Grey Bruce for their new Anti-Human Trafficking Youth House.

In early 2023, The Women’s Centre Grey Bruce (TWC) purchased a house to move the Anti-Human Trafficking Program for Youth (AHT) into. The move will ensure TWC is able to help more youth year-after-year, with better facilities, and more room to grow the AHT program. TWC’s goal is to ensure the Youth House is a safe and healing space, conducive to program participants’ success, recovery, and community reintegration. So far, TWC has raised $82,500 of their $150,000 goal through the Adopt-A-Room program for the AHT Youth House.
The 100 Women Who Care Grey Bruce meet four times a year, for one hour each time, and commit to donating $100 at the end of each meeting.
Each meeting includes the previous recipient sharing information about the work they do and the impact that the group’s donation has had on their program.
Three members will then present their charities that they each have nominated and that will be voted on by the entire group. Each member is then able to vote by Survey monkey for a 24 hour period and then the chosen charity is announced.
The short one-hour meetings, that conclude with new business or announcements, are held in person at the Museum, on Zoom or members can read the meeting summary.
100+ Women Who Care Grey Bruce has been growing over the past few years and is pleased to make a huge difference to four charities in Grey Bruce each year. So far, this year, after three meetings, the women have donated a total of $66,700 to deserving charities.
“Please consider joining this amazing group of generous women who are making a remarkable difference in our community,” says Chair, Lynda Legge.
The next meeting is on November 18, 2023 and begins at 10:30 a.m.. Doors open at 10:00 a.m. at the Bruce Museum or, if you would like the link to the Zoom or have any questions please email or you can find more information at