2022 Ontario Tankard Volunteer Package announced

The Port Elgin Curling Club is excited to announce that the 2022 Ontario Tankard will be held in Port Elgin at the Plex on February 9 – 13, 2022. This is the Provincial Men’s Curling Championship and we will see the best teams from the province compete.

To successfully host this event, we will require over 200 volunteers. At this time, we are working to develop a contact list of people who are interested in assisting with the many volunteer opportunities. These opportunities include: decorating, hospitality (bar and food services), 50/50 ticket sales, first aid, set-up and take-down, ice attendants, ticket sales, scorekeepers, timekeepers.

As in previous Provincial finals, volunteers will be asked to pay a Volunteer Fee and to complete up to four shifts throughout the event. The volunteer fee for the Ontario Tankard 2022 will be $140 but in return volunteers will receive the Volunteer Rewards Package worth about $600. This package will include high quality 2022 Ontario Tankard branded clothing, tickets to all draws at the Tankard while not on volunteer duty, an official pin, drinks and snacks in the volunteer lounge and access to three volunteer appreciation events – a golf tournament, a curling bonspiel and the Volunteer Appreciation Gala.

If you are interested in being a volunteer at this event and would like to have your name on the contact list please send us your name, phone number, and email address to oncurlmens22volunteers@gmail.com. When volunteer registration packages are ready, you will be the first to receive them.

Questions or interview requests may be directed to Steering Committee Chair Doug Flowers at 519-386-2323.