Southampton Care Centre’s MADA 2020 Lynne Davey
Emphasized by the pandemic, 2020 in particular has brought forth many stories of community support, generosity and acts of kindness. For some people however, altruism isn’t a novel idea.
Autumn is a season that reminds us to be thankful for our many blessings and to welcome others to gather at a table of plenty. October in particular is when Jarlette Health Services honour residents with their annual Making A Difference Award (MADA). A MADA is a distinction bestowed to residents who have, through their vocation or volunteerism, made a difference in their communities throughout their lifetime.
It is fitting that this year, the staff at the Southampton Care Centre nominate Lynne Davey for a MADA. After all, Lynne is a resident who considers it her responsibility, her duty, her job, to be helpful.
Before COVID times, Lynne was at church every Sunday, coming in early to set up coffee and tea for the entire congregation. Alongside the greeter, Lynne would also hand out bulletins and often serve as an usher gathering collections. She was always the first to sign up to help with any event.
“I have pastored for 34 years. In that time, I have seen some fine examples of people serving sacrificially. Lynne stands in the midst of these examples as a giving person who sees the need and offers to help before the ask is required. It is a privilege to benefit from her sacrifice” Pastor Gary Harvey, Port Elgin Missionary Church.
Through her involvement with many volunteer groups she helped spread the word of the Soup Group at the MIssionary church, garnering assistance from and service to, a number of developmentally challenged participants. “It was interesting to watch. Lynne was often a bridge linking groups with one another”, says Cindy Harvey. “She knows so many people and has such a desire to help others”.
Lynne was also a Living Hope community supper volunteer where she assisted in set up and clean up serving meals for 70 to 100 people a week in the Port Elgin area.
Every Fall, Lynne volunteered at the annual Port Elgin Pumpkinfest either directly with the festival volunteer team or with her church. For over 32 years, Pumpkinfest (now a non profit organization) has brought an estimated 30000 people annually to the community with over 2.5 million in visitor spending. In addition, nearly 35 local non-profits use Pumpkinfest as one of their main fundraisers for the year. Joanne Robbins, Pumpkinfest Coordinator recalls Lynne’s willingness to help at the gate or wherever she was needed.
Lynne currently resides at the Southampton Care Centre and, although unable to help on a grander scale, she has found herself several jobs here in the home’s community within the town’s. Lynne is never in her room for long, most often in the activity or the dining room. She assists residents to sanitize their hands, find their seats and put on aprons (clothing protectors). She takes this job very seriously; bringing the soiled aprons to laundry and gathering and delivering clean to each dining room daily, for 3 meals a day. She assists Activation staff with handing out materials, hymn books and supplies and guides other residents to and from programs. “Lynne is always so happy to help residents and staff alike. She is proud of her work and she should be” says Brenda Misch Life Enrichment Coordinator at the Care Centre.
Lynne lived at Hampton Court Retirement prior to the Care Centre where she assisted fellow residents in a similar role. “She would knock on residents’ doors to remind them of meal time. She loved to sit and talk with people and was always asking if there was something she could do to help. If something was missed off of the tables, she would offer to go and ask the kitchen, so the resident wouldn’t have to and that would help the staff as well”, says Mary Stokes, Executive Director Hampton Court.
So, although none of us are able this autumn season to gather in large settings and welcome others to our table of plenty, let us give thanks to people in our community who make a difference. People like Lynne Davey who has given generously and daily for decades serving others in need. Let us honour this outstanding resident of the Southampton Care Centre as we present her with a Jarlette Health Services Making A Difference Award.
Thank you Lynne for serving our community.