4th Annual Saugeen Shores GET STUFFED Fall Food Drive

This year, more than ever, we need the support of our community to make this year’s Fall Food Drive event a ‘fun and fulling’ one.

• 1 in 5 Canadians are now relying on their community food bank for at least one meal a       day. This number is expected to rise this year.
• Before Covid, 2.2 million people/month were served
• In 2022, 5.1 million/month were served
• Anticipated monthly servings for 2023 = 8.2 million

How can we take a very serious situation, support our community and local food banks, and have some fun?

Participate in this year’s Saugeen Shores GET STUFFED food drive event.

How can you participate? CREATE A SCARECROW DISPLAY

1) Use your creativity and resources to create a scarecrow display for your home or store front business.

2) Register your scarecrow with us at saugeenshoresscarecrows@gmail.com
a. Note that you are committing to keeping your display up from Oct. 20-31 with a donation food bin that you will monitor and manage by bringing to central station at the BOAT HOUSE in Southampton on Donation Day November 1st.
b. Your address will be published on the Get Stuffed Tour Map so others in the community can drive by and enjoy all the displays and leave non-perishable food items to ‘treat’ their favourite scarecrows.

3) Take a photo of your scarecrow, post it on your FB page and tag as @saugeenshoresscarecrows. Post on our FB page as well @saugeenshoresscarecrows

4) Help us spread the word. Encourage and challenge your family, friends, co-workers, your organization’s members, team-mates, and classmates to join us.

TAKE A TOUR Scarecrow Tour Maps will be available starting October 14th at select locations, to be announced. Watch our FB page for details. Maps are available by donation with all proceeds going to our food banks.

1) Get a map
2) Take a Tour – Take non-perishable food items with you to treat the scarecrows along the       way
3) Stop for fun photo-ops along the way
4) Post, and tag us while you’re on your tour

DONATION DAY – NOVEMBER 1st Can’t join us in either the Play or Tour components of this event?

1) Drop by The BOAT HOUSE in Southampton (beside the Colosseum) anytime on November 1st between 8AM and 8PM with your food bank donation: we’ll be there to receive your cash, cheque, gift cards, or food items

2) Encourage and challenge your family, friends, co-works and mates to do the same.
a. Consider a workplace collection or challenge
b. Schools, sports teams – consider a classroom to classroom or team to team challenge

Need some ideas on how to participate? email: saugeenshoressharesscarecrows@gmail.com

Together, we can fill our food banks and help feed our community.