Tomorrow, September 21st (2022) at 2:00 p.m., Southampton Rotary Club will be dedicating a Peace Pole, in Rotary Perkins Park, to celebrate the anniversary of the founding of the United Nations and International Day of Peace. Peace Building and Conflict Prevention is one of the seven areas of focus of Rotary International.
Present at the unveiling will be Southampton Rotary President Jenny Amy, as MC, as well as Mayor Luke Charbonneau, Warden of Bruce County Janice Jackson, Rotary District 6330 Governor, Mike Chaffee, as well as local councillors Cheryl Grace and John Divinski, and many Rotarians and friends. Everyone is invited to attend the dedication and learn about how to help peace to “Prevail on Earth”.
According to the Rotary Institute for Economics and Peace, “Peace is more than the absence of violence — it’s creating and sustaining societies that allow all people to flourish. By collaborating with the Institute for Economics and Peace, Rotary is able to offer members the resources and tools they need to become effective peace-builders in their communities.”
Today, Rotary holds the highest consultative status offered to a non-governmental organization by the UN Economic and Social Council, which oversees many specialized UN agencies.
Rotary International has over 1.4 million neighbours, friends, and community leaders who are creating positive, lasting change in our communities, and around the world. The organization’s diverse experiences, occupations and cultures give it a unique perspective.”Our shared passion for service helps us accomplish remarkable feats,” says Southampton Rotary President Jenny Amy.
“Our clubs are where Rotary’s humanitarian work begins. At club meetings, members not only catch up with friends and hear what’s happening in our communities, they also exchange ideas for creating positive change. But it doesn’t stop there,” adds Amy. “Our global network makes it possible for members to connect with business, professional, and community leaders anywhere in the world. You can experience a new culture, use your professional skills for a good cause, or simply share a hobby.”