A baby shower in drive-by time

In these days of drive-by(s), what could be more ‘normal’ than a drive-by baby shower.

                                              (L) Simon and Val and mom, Brenda

Having a first baby is exciting in itself but to have a drive-by shower is memorable and will no doubt be a story told many times in the future.

              Many gifts for baby

Organized by Mary Jane and Kait Low in Southampton, soon-to-be parents, Val and Simon, received gifts from friends who either remained in their vehicles or visited from a safe distance on the road or in the driveway with masks and sanitizing wipes provided.


                      A unique 3-tier ‘cake’ created with baby blankets

Father, Simon, who is from Ireland said that the Irish don’t usually hold baby showers.  “This has been amazing,” he said.

Grandmother-to-be, Brenda Vanderploeg, added that, “It was really interesting at a couple of points, we had a circle that allowed for two meters in social distancing. In these times, it was just absolutely wonderful to see how you can show the love in celebrating the future arrival of ‘The Baby’.”

The new arrival is due in August.