Remembrance Day, after two years of no parades, no Cenotaph services and everything being moved to virtual participation, this year’s services seemed to be more poignant.
Communities gathered at Cenotaphs, Legions carried out parades with the Colours flying and people once again had the opportunity to lay wreaths to honour those veterans who served in World Wars I and II, the Korean War and more recently Afghanistan, as well as those who are serving today.
While Remembrance Day is the all-important remembering, the Royal Canadian Legion supports veterans throughout the year and also provides bursaries for the young students of today.
One thing that I noticed this year, was the ages of participants. There were the very young from a local school and, when the two minutes of silent tribute was held, a pin-drop could be heard … not a sound. There were also service organizations in the parade where several of the members did not have grey hair. There were also the young cadets marching proud in their uniforms or standing at the Cenotaph, and looking into those young faces, one could not help but think of the young men who went to war and at almost the same age.
While some may be cynical of Remembrance Day, and there are some, they should thank their lucky stars that they are living in a country today that still honours those who served, and are serving, in so many ways around the world. Whether it was in war time or as peacekeepers, Canada did her part.
When war was declared, the young men and women stepped up. They didn’t have to be conscripted, they volunteered. The young men went off to war, as did many nurses, and those who could not stayed and kept the home fires burning.
In the cemeteries of the Netherlands and throughout Europe, there are young Canadian soldiers who never made it home but their final resting places are still cared for today as the heroes they were in helping to fight an enemy who would have changed the world.
Disclaimer: I am not a member of the Royal Canadian Legion however, the Royal Canadian Legion was established to help support veterans and through the Poppy fund has made a difference . I had four uncles who served in World War II – one in the Navy, two in the Army (one of whom lost both legs) and one a Paratrooper, and also a brother-in-law in the Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada. All four uncles were fortunate to return home.
For those who are cynical, don’t talk to me with your diatribes. You are fortunate that you can live in a county where people served in the belief that they were doing something good and necessary.
We Will Remember Them
by Sandy Lindsay