When it comes to policing in Saugeen Shores, it is all about being part of the community.
On Thursday, May 18th (2023), the Police Service and Police Services Board invited the entire community to a Meet ‘n’ Greet with a free BBQ hosted by Rotary Club of Saugeen Shores, an opportunity for youngsters to explore the inside of a police vehicle and for everyone to watch a ‘hockey game’ between Officers and Special Olympians.
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Chief Kevin Zettel always maintains that policing must be ‘humanized’. “We are part of the community that our officers live in and we want people to know that we care about them and our community and that they can always come to us for help.”
The local police service has a long history of providing community policing and, retired officer Doug Lein, with his extensive collection of police memorabilia, illustrated the changes that have occurred through the years. He presented the several changes in uniform with his hat collection that have taken place and the many commendations that he has received in his more than 40 plus years of service, including his service at September 9, 2011 in New York.
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While the main focus of the community event was on the Police Service, local Fire Service and Crime Stoppers were also in attendance because it takes all responders working together to meet community needs.

For more photos, visit: https://www.facebook.com/sspspolice