A Gran Fondo winner – Age is just a number when it comes to being young at heart

Allan Murray of Southampton was recently ‘crowned’ the ‘most-mature’ bike rider in the 2023 Gran Fondo Lake Huron held on August 20th.

      (L) Mike Rencheck presents the prize for most mature rider to Allan Murray of                       Southampton introduced by Jame Scongack (R) as “young at heart”

The ride has become an annual fundraiser for local health care and attracts cyclists from across Ontario and beyond.  This year’s event had 700 cyclists take part in a variety of routes including the 110K, 80K gravel ride, 75K, 30K and 10k.

Murray, touted the ‘oldest’ rider in the event at 84 years young, was born in 1939 in Paisley (Scotland).  While most cyclists in the Gran Fondo had the latest models in bikes, Murray rides a second-hand Raleigh bicycle purchased 25 years ago for $100, and is often seen riding daily through Southampton.

“My bike is well-maintained by Martin’s Cycle shop in Southampton,” said Murray in his Scottish brogue, “where they have already replaced both tires and tubes.”

Murray rode on Sunday, (Aug. 20) with his daughter, Louise from Ancaster, herself a grandmother about to celebrate her 50th birthday.

“This is our third Gran Fondo,” added Murray, “and we are now looking forward to the Terry Fox Run in a few weeks time.”

Terry Fox Run 2022 – Saugeen Times file photo

Murray finished the Gran Fondo … on a flat tire.