It’s the end of another year and, heading into 2023 for some, means celebrating a lifetime of memories.
For Herb Wilkins, who was from the village of Paisley and the youngest of eight children, 2022 was a big year as he celebrated turning 90 and, for he and his wife Marie, 2023 will also bring another special day as they celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary.
The couple, who married in October, 1953, now live in Chesley, but both retired from the Avon Maitland District School Board having worked as custodians at Brookside Elementary School in Lucknow for more than 26 years.
Herb and Marie are each artists in his and her own way. Herb is an innovator, wood worker and poet while Marie is an artist who works in watercolours, oils and acrylic paints.
For many years, the couple were vendors at country fairs and flea markets throughout the region. “For us, the markets were also a social event where we made many friends and enjoyed talking to visitors,” said Marie. “We also loved to travel to them.”
Although he modestly claims he is not a poet, Herb has written many poems.
While at Brookside school, he would compose a long, personalized poem for the teacher/person leaving and has created many others for friends and family, including the one he wrote for a special friend who passed away … titled ‘My Friend’.
When asked about his love of poetry, he explained, “My father came out from England in 1909 and brought with him a book by poet Robert Service. I learned the entire poem of ‘The Cremation of Sam McGee’ and recited it for groups like the Women’s Institute.” He still knows it by heart.
“I tried to write poems that showed the things people had done during their years at the school,” said Herb. When the couple retired to Chesley, he wrote a poem in honour of their new community – ‘Our Town’.
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As an innovator who loved to tinker, Herb designed what was probably the first environmentally friendly ride-on lawnmower that he used while at their summer home at Chesley Lake. The invention was comprised of a bicycle and push lawnmower – perfect for the environment.
Marie’s paintings have won awards at Country Fairs and, today, they line the walls of their retirement home in Chesley.
Heading into 2023, the Wilkins will be celebrating 70 years … years filled with memories.