‘The Caring Committee’ of the local chapter of the Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) has taken another small first step toward addressing the issue of loneliness and isolation in the community by throwing its support behind the ‘Caring Bench’ initiative headed up by Pat Dobec.

Dobec says that, “A bench is a bench is a bench … but a bench with two people sitting on itsharing thoughts and ideas is a ‘Caring Bench’. We want these benches to be worn thin from people sitting on them and having real conversations. The benches are for everyone – young, old, rich, poor, happy, sad, lonely, and not so lonely. We have more things in common with one another than we will ever know unless we take the time to chat.”
The first bench was inaugurated on September 1st in Port Elgin (Saugeen Shores) and then, one week later on September 7th, the second ‘Caring Bench’, sponsored by the CFUW, was commemorated in Southampton (Saugeen Shores) adjacent to the Southampton Art School.
The ceremony to commemorate the second bench in Southampton featured the ribbon cutting by local sisters Vicky Tomori and Connie Barker, who both have been actively involved in the community as volunteers.
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Tomori is a former Southampton Councillor prior to amalgamation and a long-time volunteer for the Marine Heritage Society, in addition to many other volunteer positions, while her sister Connie Barker is the President of the Chantry Centre +50 seniors centre and a long-time volunteer with the award-winning Pumpkinfest and many other volunteer organizations.
Also, part of the Arts Centre bench, is a ‘butt-out’ pail hand-painted by well-known local artist Lorraine Boucher. The Bench sits in the ‘art alley’ between the Art School and the Art Gallery in Southampton, where it is hoped that many will pause to sit and enjoy conversation.
Dobec hinted that she should like to see more ‘conversation’ benches to help with loneliness and there may possibly be an initiative moving forward to have more benches installed by individuals through donations.