There’s really never a dull moment looking out your window. The sun rising, the sun setting, Mother Nature showing her beauty in all things, Vemon feeding a guinea pig, yes you read that right. You name it, it’s likely been seen out our kitchen window… It’s a pretty magical place we live in.
With that said, I encourage each and every one of you reading this to take a moment and take a deep, energizing inhale with me, exhaling out through your mouth, do this two more times if you’d like. Notice how you feel. Looking out my kitchen window gives me the time to slow down. To take the time to quiet my mind, to take deep breathes and just observe what’s going on around me. You should give it a try too, you just might be surprised at what you will be able to see. Feel. Touch. Notice. Become aware of.
That’s what I do when I look out my kitchen window and I am grateful that I am able to share a tiny glimpse of what that looks like with you.
Say hello to tiny Blue Finch. It’s colour makes it a magical experience to see when it comes to feed
This kit (baby squirrel) is a survivor. The story I was told was that our dog Molly had gotten hold of it, and our 5-year-old son started yelling for her to stop. My husband heard and came running out of the garage to see what all the commotion was. Molly backed off and the baby squirrel lied there. It took it a few seconds, but it got up, staggered a bit, didn’t give up and climbed up our maple tree to safety.
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This stunning female American Goldfinch and I lock eyes. I am pretty sure she is saying “Thank You.”
Momma Robin was finding some lunch for her chick on the left who waited ever so patiently
The chick’s sibling on the other hand was determined to called upon his other siblings to come play in the tree fort
A couple showed up for the playdate
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This House Finch couple have claimed this feeder. You wouldn’t know that the happy-go-lucky female House Finch has a broken leg. She lose her balance sometimes, but that doesn’t stop her from enjoying her snack
While the sun was shining on the male House Finch, another arrived. Do you know what kind it is? If so, I’d love to know!
This male American Goldfinch dangled from a set of lights wrapped around a branch of the maple tree, where he waited for his turn at the feeder.
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I spy with my little eye 5 finches and 1 sparrow having a feeding frenzy.
While the feeding frenzy was happening, this wee Blue Jay wanted to join and popped right up on the deck by surprise and what a nice surprise it was. For larger view, CLICK on IMAGE
Towards the back of the yard, you could see Venom, feeding his guinea pig named Echo. Pillows; blankets, Venom meant business when it came to down time.
“A plane! A plane!” our one-year-old shouted as she pointed out the window.