The Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre is excited to announce the opening of a new addition to the permanent galleries with the “Riding the Rails” exhibit.

This hands-on model train exhibit tells the 100-year history of commercial and personal activities surrounding the railway in Bruce County, when the railway displaced marine travel as the prime means of transport, until our modern road system and fast efficient vehicles displaced rail transport.
Both children and adults alike will enjoy taking a step back in time when they experience the views along the railway circa 1920s to the 1950’s, as the train rolls through realistic dioramas of Mildmay, Walkerton, Paisley, Port Elgin, and Southampton and whistle stops represented along the way in rural Bruce County.

It was through the vision, interest and passion of many model train enthusiasts and local history buffs that this exhibit has been created. As word of their work spread, more helpers magically “appeared”, some with unique and critical talents. In total, there have been more than 30 “Bruce County Museum Railway members” working with the team at the Museum. They contributed their talent and skills in research, electronics, wiring, woodworking, structural engineering, drafting, model building, photography, graphics, creative writing, and fabrication! It has taken more than 8,000 hours to create “Riding the Rails”. For the young and young-at-heart, this is a must see exhibit.
“For some, it’s a revisit to the past and, for others, it’s a view through the window of time at an era that brought growth and prosperity to Bruce County thanks to the railroad and those who worked on them,” said Randy Schnarr.

“This exhibition is a welcomed addition to our permanent gallery and the content further enhances our storytelling of the County”, commented Cathy McGirr, Director, Museum & Cultural Services.
“Riding the Rails” is proudly presented by 98 The Beach and The Rotary Club of Southampton and opened to the public on July 12th.

For more information, about the Museum, visit www.brucemuseum.ca or call 519-797-2008.