Armen’s Hospital Auxiliary day a resounding success

Each year, Armen’s Cafe in Southampton hosts an annual ‘Hospital Auxiliary Day’ in support of the local hospital Auxiliary.

(L) Karen Bernier and Jessie Schnarr wait for orders as owner Armen Higgins cooks up a storm

The hospital does not received any government for equipment and, therefore, the Hospital Auxiliary has fundraised for many years to help with Saugeen Memorial Hospital equipment purchases.

Armen’s Hospital Day this year was held on Saturday, May 6th (2023) and Armen says that it was his best fundraising day ever.

The Auxiliary received $1,150 from Armen and a donation jar set out contained $576.00 for a total of $1,726.

“It was pretty hectic,” said Hospital Auxiliary volunteer Jessie Schnarr, “but we had a great fun time helping out in the restaurant.”

The volunteers took shifts in the restaurant where they delivered meals to waiting patrons outside.

Among the volunteers were:  Mae Hall, Eileen Fortney, Rosemary Irwin, June Wade, Karen Bernie and Jessie Schnarr.