Art Van Santen annual Memorial Golf Tournament raises funds for health care

Coming out of COVID and lockdowns, every event including golf tournaments has found it difficult to get back into the swing of things.

Not one to give up however, is the Art Van Santen Memorial Golf Tournament that forged ahead with its sixth annual tournament.

A total of 214 golfers were out on the Saugeen golf course and an extra 30 people joined in for dinner. More than $16,000 was raised to be divided three ways between the Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, and Hospice Wellington.

On Friday, August 4th, Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation was presented with $4,500 from the Van Santen and Smit family bringing the total raised over the years to more than $24,000.

  (L) Tracy Murray (Exec. Dir. Foundation), Donna Van Santen, Blake Van Santen,      Jessica Smit, Martha Bennett (Foundation Chair) and Charlie & Ethan Smit


“It’s always amazing that, each year, the family continues to raise funds for our local hospital,” said Tracy Murray, Executive Direction Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation.  “It’s contributions like this that make such a difference for providing quality health care close to home.”

Martha Bennett, Hospital Foundation Chair, added that, “All equipment is funded through donations and fundraising so every contribution helps us to maintain the most up-to-date equipment needs when it comes to health care for our community … and we truly appreciate donations like this.”