Southampton Arts has opened its doors once more to present the exhibit ‘Shadows’ with works by two artists, Susan Seitz and Brent Henry.
“Up Close and Personal | A Healing Journey through Grief” by Seitz is just that … up close and personal and the pieces are an introspective into her evolvement as an artist. Each work is accompanied by a complete explanation of how the work came to be and how Seitz was feeling when she created each one.
Last year, 2020, Seitz celebrated ten years as a professional artist and her work as a facilitator and mental health advocate.

“Before this exhibit, for a year, I couldn’t paint anything,” says Seitz. “Then I began painting ‘Layers’ and, from there, I couldn’t stop.
I met Brent Henry and we collaborated on that painting that was unfinished and vulnerable … the moment I became engaged with Brent for the first time, I felt his genuine kindness … it felt healing and I put my trust in him and his ability.”
“Being in nature fills my soul. I am constantly inspired by mother earth – the source of all creation, who shares her inner secrets and desires through a connected space. Tapping into this remarkable energy is available to us all.”

While painting Bridge Over Troubled Water, the series ‘Glee’ was playing in the background. “This work comes from a photograph that I took in winter and, as soon as I took it, I knew that I would create a painting from it. I’ve always loved reflections in water and the snow seemed to be a bridge between two worlds.”
While many paintings depict the depth of feeling that Seitz was experiencing, there are also those that show a lighter side to her personality.

The bright ‘field of dandelions’ is a tribute to nature and, while many disdain the common weed, in explanation Seitz says that the painting says “stop thinking about what people think … do what feels right for you in your grief … sometimes you have to take a stand in what you believe in … sometimes you have to lay in a field of dandelions and realize how beautiful they really are and how letting joy in, even in our darkest moments can be a really good thing to do.”

“In Hope, pink is the heart chakra … grief is nothing and everything … movement invites movement, give it colour … allow it to dance within you, before, through you under you, above you,” says Seitz.
“I am so pleased with the way the Gallery is showcasing my art,” says Seitz. “Wherever you stand you can see almost all the pieces.”
To learn more about Susan Seitz art, visit:
SHADOWS runs until July 4th at Southampton Arts … this is an exhibit that should not be missed. For more information on the the Gallery, call or email Southampton Arts with any questions about viewing or purchasing and hours of operation.