To the Editor:
We enjoyed a lovely Easter weekend being outside and cleaning up the yard.
Obviously, many others did too.
We live on Sideroad 18/19, Saugeen Shores with farms surrounding us and neat tidy homes. In Easter Monday afternoon and traveling by our property someone made a stop here and left 14 bags of garbage unbeknownst to us.
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We used to live in town and no one ever left any garbage bags in our front yard.
I’d like whoever dropped these off to realize that we “out-of-town residents” pride ourselves in keeping it (our acreage) safe for people, wildlife and ditches clear of human refuse. For 28 years we’ve been collecting the garbage thrown from cars along our property frontage. Takes a day to get it all. You’d be surprised to see what people throw from their windows. This year though was a shock even for us.
The Town Public Works however were prompt in coming to pick up the bags thank goodness. Town folk and cottagers should know we have a Town Disposal site for household garbage and composting. I believe they are open Saturdays.
It would be good stewardship if we people took better care of the planet we live on, and be more respectful of others.
Sincerely, Pam Binnendyk