Battle Lines drawn in South Bruce

Dear Editor,
It appears that Rita Groen and her group of hard-core opponents of the proposed South Bruce Deep Geological Repository (DGR) have drawn the battle lines in the coming municipal election.
This week, groupings of signs appeared all around the Mildmay Carrick ward, featuring Rita Groen, alongside Doug Kreller and Sandy Bunker, the two “at large” candidates known to be opponents of the project.  No doubt on the Teeswater side, these clusters also include Gord Ripley and anti-DGR spokesperson Michelle Stein.
These like-minded candidates appear to be working as a block, appearing in public together in the Mildmay Fall Fair parade, which is consistent with their apparent strategy, to get control of Council.  As one of their associates recently posted on social media, congratulating Audrey Bross, who was acclaimed in Mildmay, “that gives us one of the four seats we need”.  (There are 6 Council seats, plus the Mayor, so 4 constitutes a majority.)
This group has spent several years fighting tooth and nail against the DGR project, and one can only assume that if they are successful in their bid, the DGR project is as dead as a doornail, and we can say goodbye to billions of dollars of local investment over the coming decades.
Well, this is a democracy, and issues like this are for the citizens to decide.  That’s why I encourage my fellow citizens and ratepayers in South Bruce to be informed, to get on the voter’s list, and to come out and vote in this important election.
Tony Zettel, RR5 Mildmay