BCPL looking for feedback with Community Programming Survey

Bruce County Public Library (BCPL) is excited to announce that it will be undertaking a comprehensive review of its programming offerings and is reaching out to the community for input. As part of this initiative, BCPL has launched online and in-person surveys to gather feedback from residents and patrons. Survey responses will be collected until the end of March.

The programming review aims to enhance BCPL services and ensure they align with the interests and needs of the community. By gathering input directly from those who currently wish to use or are already utilizing the Library’s resources, they hope to shape future programming to serve their diverse communities.

The online survey will be available through the Library website, while the in-person survey can be picked up at any of their 17 Branches, and on the Bookmobile. You can also access the survey directly at www.surveymonkey.com/r/JZ99QN9. Participants will have the opportunity to share their preferences, suggestions, and ideas. Together, we can create a vibrant and inclusive library experience for everyone.

Bruce County Public Library is committed to its role as a trusted community connector, digital community facilitator and community sharing place. Consisting of 17 Branches and a Bookmobile BCPL provides access to information, resources, and programs throughout Bruce County.