Letter to the Editor:
Yesterday, my wife Kathy, suggested that I go outside and play happy music on my trombone. At noon today I started this practice by going outside and playing a jazz riff name ‘Ja Da’ on my trombone.
My Uncle Bus (as we called him) who was my Dad’s brother, was a trombone player and taught it to me. He also self-taught himself how to play the trumpet so that we could play together, me on the trombone and he on the trumpet.
I am going to do it again tonight when Kathy gets home from work.
We are also turning on our Christmas lights at night to brighten things up. It was Pastor David and his wife Heather (Southport Pentecostal Church) who got us doing this. A number of us from church are doing this now. It’s a feel good in time of turmoil.
Doug Lein
Editor’s Note: Doug has also been out and about taking photos to remind us all of the beauty of nature