Boston Pizza and Special Olympics partner in FUNdraising effort

February is all about love as Valentine’s Day lights up the month, and it was a FUNdraising partnership when Boston Pizza hosted the Special Olympians on Monday, February 12th.

Special Olympic Athletes were joined by Boston Pizza owner, Belinda Bowler (2nd L) and Mgr. Peter Black(R) –                                                                     for larger view, click on image

It was a chance to help raise funds to send two local special athletes, Justin LaBlance and Mike Bailey, as part of the provincial Ontario Team to the National Special Olympic Games to be held in Calgary on February 27th to March 4th.

The Special Olympians also helped staff, learning how to clean tables, deliver food and drinks, and sold tickets for gift baskets to be raffled off in a draw.

        Gift basket raffle was popular with restaurant patrons – for larger view, Click on Image

For larger view, Click on Image

Boston Pizza has been offering hearts in February for donations with a goal of raising $1,500.  In addition, at Monday’s event, ten per cent (10%) of all food sales went to Special Olympics.  Each athlete has to raise $1,400 for the trip to Calgary.

Coach, Cheryl Smethurst, said that any funds raised above their goal, stays local in support of the Special Olympics.

Donations are being accepted at Special Olympics Ontario

A final total raised is not yet in but it was definitely an event that put the fun into FUNdraising and, as of Monday evening, they were at 70 per cent of their goal.