There once was a time when libraries were only about books and being quiet was the rule. Today, however, at Bruce County Public Libraries, it’s still about books but it’s also about much more with activities and programs for every age and interest.
With 17 locations across Bruce County offering more than 1,500 programs each year, adults and kids can spend time on their own or together taking part in one of the many activities.
March break is just around the corner and this year’s Library theme is ‘Great Big World-Travel through Books‘.
Each of the 17th locations will explore a different country each day – beginning on March 13th at Port Elgin Library, it will be time to visit Scotland and then the next day, it’s off to Antarctica in Kincardine or Mexico in Southampton.
Stop by the nearest Branch and celebrate a different country from around the world each day during March Break. Drop by the library for a planned program or drop-in activity, grab a special March Break passport and enter your name to win prizes.
To find out what is happening at each of the library locations during March break, visit the CALENDAR for times and activities.