Starting, July 7th, The Brucedale Press will host a guest author each Wednesday at Port Elgin’s Downtown Farmers’ Market. A market vendor since the first season on Green Street, Brucedale offers books for all ages, created and produced within our region of Ontario.
First guest is self-published fiction writer Lee Johnston. Now a resident of Port Elgin (and working on a second novel) Lee has self-published mysteries. ‘Seemly Justice’ is a collection of short stories. ‘Damnation Corner’, a gripping novel, begins in Galt, then moves to the Owen Sound area. Known as “Damnation Corner” the historic setting includes the brothels, shipping, and true-to-the-past details about daily life. Meet Lee Johnston at the Market from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 7th.
Arriving on July 14th is another writer of mysteries, Doug Archer. His audience is mostly pre-teen and teen readers, although adults have been known to like the authentic settings along Southampton’s shore. Reviewer Jennifer Frankum called Ghoul’s Gold “a new Bruce County classic”. The second in the ‘Cold Case Kids’ series, ‘The Phantom Reaper’, is available now. Doug is working on another, and meanwhile, he contributes articles to local publications.
Guest author July 21st will be Cori Mordaunt, who has created a historical novel set at Point Clark lighthouse … a scene familiar to her from childhood. During the Great Storm of 1913, teenaged Will must Keep the Light Burning despite gale-force winds, drifting snow, and
the temporary absence of his parents. Sister Emma does her best to help. Port Elgin artist Phil McDonald created stunning cover art for Cori’s book, which was released with a virtual reading in August, 2020.
On July 28th, Bob Johnston of Southampton will visit to meet readers and sign copies of his new book ‘Sunset Musings: Reflections of a Senior’. An on-line columnist for seven years, Bob has many admirers in the area. The book is a compilation from fifty of his columns and recalls some outstanding people and events both in Saugeen Shores and his previous
family hometowns. Kenneth L. Thornburn’s cover art makes this a
perfect memento.
Any of these books can be reserved ahead by using the on-line order
form at or calling The Brucedale Press at