From its northwest community of Zion Keppel to the southeast, near historic Nenagh, Grey County offers much inspiration to writers, two of whose books will be celebrated Sunday, October 15th, at Grey Roots Museum & Archives in Owen Sound.
Zion Keppel The Way It Was is Lynne Porter‘s fourth community history. A warm-hearted account of the settlement’s farms, church, school, and organizations is illustrated with archival photographs and Lynne’s detailed drawings. A life-long resident, Lynne previously created books on Oxenden, Big Bay, and Lake Charles.
Conjuring a Ghost Road is Antony Christie’s collection of poetry inspired by the landscapes, flora, fauna, weather and inhabitants past and present of the Saugeen Territory. In the 1970s, Antony and his family bought an abandoned schoolhouse in the former Normanby Township and, like settlers before them, adapted as they experienced the site.
Both books are published by The Brucedale Press, founded in 1994 and still based in Saugeen Shores. Its publications, including non-fiction works, The Leaf journal, and stories for all ages, focus on the area between the Meneset/Maitland and the Nottawassaga rivers.
The celebration of the two Grey(t) Books takes place in the theatre at Grey Roots Museum, County Road 18, Owen Sound. Admission is free. Signed copies of the books will be available. For further information, check or email