Canada can learn from other countries

Infectious disease experts are saying that countries, including Canada, should prepare for a second wave of the COVID-19 outbreak to emerge once social distancing measures are eased and that those measures should be lifted very gradually.

An in-person account from Hong Kong today (Mar. 24) proves just that.  On Friday, Hong Kong recorded its biggest daily jump in cases since the pandemic started, as people return to the city from abroad.

Government and most companies there are now having workers isolate once again and, if possible, work from home.

Prime Minister Trudeau and Public Health here are continually telling Canadians to stay home and venture out only if necessary and that all returning travellers should go into immediate quarantine.  If we are to learn anything from other countries and cities, such as Hong Kong, it is to do just that.

Distance is the key when it comes to this virus.

As a measure, the Ontario government released today a list of businesses that can remain open as of tomorrow, Wednesday March 25th.  For the complete list, Click Here