Recent recipient of the Caring Nurse Award, and although not a full-fledged nurse, Jennifer Stone is one of those individuals who strives to make a difference in the lives and health of others.
A graduate of Georgian College’s Child Practitioner program, she has worked with young children in day care situations in Kincardine and Saugeen Shores before transitioning into an adult environment.
“I loved working with children”, said Stone, “but wanted to move on and help older adults.”
Today, Stone works with retirees at Elgin Lodge retirement home in Port Elgin where she was nominated for the Caring award by colleague, Karen Waye.

“If anyone deserves an award for helping others,” says Waye, “it’s Jennifer. There is nothing she won’t do to help not only residents but also her colleagues. If a resident needs help to eat, Jenn is there. If a resident needs something moved, Jenn is there. If a staff needs help, Jenn is there. If we’re short-staffed in a particular area, Jenn is there to make sure the residents’ needs are met.”
Colleague, Corey Peterson, also says that Stone is exceptional. “She goes out of her way with the residents and, when they know she is coming on shift, their eyes light up! She takes time to have conversations, help with whatever they ask for and has an absolutely positive attitude all the time.”
According to Elgin Lodge staff, Stone is always willing to pitch in and help out in situations where it’s important for the residents.
“I love the residents,” says Stone. “My goal is to bring a smile each day and try to make each day light and fun and, wherever possible, to help lighten their load mentally and physically.”
When it comes to special touches, Stone also excels with her baking prowess. “It’s incredible,” says Peterson. “She creates special pies that residents like and goes out of her way to bring in special treats.”
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According to residents, Stone is known as the ‘wiz kid’. Long-time resident Betty George says that “… she is not only a really good cook when it comes to treats but is also so quick when it comes to helping us out. If we ever need anything, she’s right there to help … wiz bang!. She’s always outgoing and positive … a real joy to have around.”
“No job is beneath her,” says resident Fran Durdle. “She always helps everyone and never shirks or says ‘no’. She always makes us feel safe and cared for. She truly is a hero!”
The ‘Jill of all Trades’, Stone is now considering going forward to become a Paramedic. “It’s something I’ve always wanted to do because I think i have the personality for it. I am always calm, never get flustered and definitely want to help people. I won’t be going anywhere soon though because I really like my residents and trying to make sure that each day is one that they enjoy.”