Ask the Pharmacist – Sunburn

Q.  I was outside most of the day on a cloudy day and I now have a nasty sunburn.  Can we really get that...

Ask the Pharmacist – Cannabis health benefits

Q. What are some of the health benefits of cannabis and how should I go about getting started to avoid an overdose? A. Last week,...

Ask the Pharmacist – new vaccine

Q. I received an email suggesting that I contact my pharmacy regarding the latest Covid-19 vaccine. Gordon Pharmasave was listed as a pharmacy that...

Ask the Pharmacist – Allergies

Q. With the trees budding and the spring flowers in full bloom, I think my allergies have returned with a vengeance. Can you review...

Ask the Pharmacist – measles

Q. I am hearing much about measles recently. What exactly is measles and should I be concerned? A. Just as we have passed the peak...

Ask the Pharmacist – Rare Disease Day

Q. I heard someone mention that February 29th referred to as Rare Disease Day. Can you explain what constitutes a rare disease and what...

Ask the Pharmacist – Importance of fibre

Q. Last week you mentioned that one of the ways to help prevent constipation is to have a lot of fibre in the diet....

Ask the Pharmacist – Impaction

Q. My son had diarrhea and vomiting and later was unable to urinate for more than 24 hours. I was worried he was very...

Ask the Pharmacist – Vitamins

Q. Can you review the various vitamins our body needs, the benefits they provide the body and the foods we can find them in? A....

Ask the Pharmacist – supplements

Q. After reading the column about the lack of proven benefits to taking a fish oil supplement, I wonder if you can let me...

Ask the Pharmacist – fish oil supplements

Q. I have been taking fish oil supplements for many years and I cannot recall why anymore. Can you remind me what fish oil...

World Water Day Celebrated at Walkerton Clean Water Centre

To celebrate World Water Day, the Walkerton Clean Water Centre (WCWC) welcomed more than 600 children from across Grey and Bruce counties during the...