New report celebrates Georgian College’s bold innovation and lasting impact

Georgian College’s second annual Impact Report takes a tour through the innovative, meaningful differences it has made across Central Ontario in the last year...

Georgian College students receive prestigious Schulich Builders scholarships  

Ten students have been named Georgian College recipients of the prestigious Schulich Builders scholarships. Five students enrolled in a one-year certificate program and five students...

Truth and Reconciliation – a day of celebration on Zgaa-biig-ni-gan bridge

  G. C. Huston Public School in Southampton (Saugeen Shores) is an example of Truth and Reconciliation that is working. With equal numbers of Indigenous and...

Steve Lowe named new Chair of Georgian College’s Board of Governors

Steve Lowe, an Owen Sound resident, community champion and Wealth Advisor at RBC Dominion Securities Inc., is the 2024-25 Chair of Georgian College’s Board...

BWDSB students positive progress when it comes to EQAO Testing

Newly released standardized test results by the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) are showing several positive gains for Bluewater District School Board. Results from...

Local schools take part in fundraising for Terry Fox cancer research

Each year, local schools in Saugeen Shores hold their annual Terry Fox fundraising runs and activities in support of Cancer research and treatment. It was...

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in Bruce County

Today, Monday, September 30th (2024), Bruce County will solemnly observe the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, also known as Orange Shirt Day. This day...

Sham’s Story – one student’s journey from Canadian newcomer to skilled welder

In July—after a Saugeen Sparks Training Centre/CWB Welding Foundation one-week program saw the entire class of 20 students receive two fillet welding certificates in...

Icon Sasquatch Sam created by local artist heads for a new home

When 'Back Roads Bill' Steer, the founder and General Manager of the Canadian Ecology Centre in Samuel de Champlain Provincial Park on the Mattawa...

Truth & Reconciliation Week begins with Webinar Series at Bruce County Museum

Beginning today, September 23rd, Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre (BCM&CC) presents daily webinars to UN-learn the myths of colonial history in Canada. The sessions...

Miramichi Farms hosting Icelandic horse Open House

For anyone who has never seen an Icelandic horse, Miramichi Farms is hosting an Open House to learn first-hand about this unique breed. Icelandic horses...

Southampton Rotary Feeds The Wildcats

by Rotarian Dave Bertrand The Southampton Rotary Club wheeled up to Port Elgin Saugeen Central school to help feed hungry “Meet The Teacher” patrons on...

New Fall exhibitions at Bruce County Museum and Cultural Centre

The Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre (BCM&CC) invites local communities across Bruce County to view two new fall exhibitions that will be open...

Sparks ‘Mind Over Metal’ results in a one hundred percent passing grade

The Saugeen Sparks Training Centre in collaboration with the Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB), recently conducted a one-week 'Mind Over Metal' welding workshop where 20 participants...