Prime Minister speaks out on proposed tariffs
Saugeen Shores and Saugeen First Nation sign historic agreement
In a historic moment, the Town of Saugeen Shores and Saugeen First Nation have signed their first ever Friendship Accord - Wiijkiwenydiwaad Miinwa Zgaabiignigan,...
Town advocates for local priorities at ROMA
Representatives from the Town of Saugeen Shores are currently in Toronto, attending the Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA) conference and meeting with provincial leaders...
Province to launch new energy efficiency programs
The Ontario government is launching new energy efficiency programs, including the Home Renovation Savings Program, to help families and businesses in Huron-Bruce save money....
Bruce County delegation to advocate for local needs at ROMA
Bruce County is sending a delegation of local politicians and staff to advocate for local needs at the Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA) Conference...
Outgoing President’s last farewell
For those who may have missed it, President Joe Biden's outgoing address to the nation.
Worthwhile words to hear ...
Western Ontario Wardens’ Caucus elects new Chair
The Western Ontario Wardens’ Caucus (WOWC) is pleased to announce that Mayor Amy Martin, of Norfolk County has been elected as Chair of the...
It’s all in the numbers when it comes to property taxes
Southampton residents Donna and Terry Andrews who recently came before Saugeen Shores Town Council said at the outset that they were "... disappointed to...
Saugeen Sparks Training Centre receives RED grant
Saugeen Sparks Training Centre (the Centre) is excited to announce the receipt of $50,000 in funding through the Rural Economic Development (RED) grant program....
Experience Ontario 2025 is now open for event applications
Our government is continuing to invest in festivals and events in 2025-26. That is why we are pleased to announce the launch of the...
Independent poll shows strong community support for potential Bruce Power expansion
Independent polling shows that support for Bruce Power’s future plan to explore potential expansion of the Bruce site is very strong with 80 per...
Enbridge Gas teams up with Saugeen Shores Fire Department to reduce fire and carbon...
At Monday night's Town Council meeting on December 9th, Enbridge Gas Inc. (Enbridge Gas) and Saugeen Shores Fire Department (SSFD) announced that they are...
Joint proposal garners one-time funding for Sparks Centre
In a co-delegation by Rob Stanley of the SPARKS training centre (SSTC) and Connie Barker of Pumpkinfest, it was requested that the Town provide...
Town of Saugeen Shores congratulates Mayor Luke Charbonneau on his election as Warden of...
The Town of Saugeen Shores congratulates Mayor Luke Charbonneau on his election as Warden of Bruce County on Thursday, December 5, 2024, during the...