Cedar Crescent Village plan moving through approval process

Plans for Cedar Crescent Village are continuing to advance through the necessary approval processes. The development which includes a restaurant, special events hall, retail and recreation space is to be located at the harbour at the Port Elgin Main Beach. Town of Saugeen Shores staff are currently working with Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority for a regulatory permit for the project.

“Town and SVCA staff are working through the normal process to move forward on the CCV application,” says Kara Van Myall, Chief Administrative Officer of the Town. “All parties involved want to ensure we are doing this right so we can continue on the path to develop the project as conceptually approved by Council in November 2020.”

As part of the normal process to advance SVCA permit applications, a peer review was completed by Zuzek, Inc. on the original engineering report completed for the project by Shoreplan Engineering Ltd. The purpose of a peer review is to properly review the technical work where there is not staff expertise in-house. SVCA requested the peer review to support their approval process. The peer review highlighted where more clarity was required and Shoreplan Engineering Ltd. has submitted an Addendum to their original report that addresses all questions raised.

The SVCA has committed to reviewing the application in a timely manner in order to support project timelines, and Town staff continue to work with stakeholders to advance the project.