There is no doubt that this year’s Chantry Island Cham-bettes’ Home Tour was once again a resounding success.
The six homes on the tour are among some of the community’s most unique and beautiful and were enhanced by those who decorated them.
According to the recent numbers, almost 1,000 visitors went through the homes raising more than $15,000, although the final total is not yet in.

The funds raised go to the Saugeen Memorial Hospital, Caitlyn Cobean Crusaders children’s charity and Cham-bettes’ community projects.
There was a wide variety of decor styles that had people gasping and trying to take them all in. Below is a ‘sneak peek’ into some of the rooms in the homes … from children’s bedrooms to an indoor hockey rink, a dining room with a banquette to an outdoor space complete with fireplace, the unique decor settings and their holiday decorating were definitely worth the price of admission as everyone agreed.
For larger views, Click on Images
The Cham-bettes also say that without the many volunteers the tour would never be able to take place.