Cham-bettes 50/50 raffle a win-win for SDSS and alumni winner

From November 1st to December 22nd, the local Chantry Island Cham-bettes philanthropic group of women ran an online 50/50 raffle to support the students at Saugeen District Senior School (SDSS), with proceeds of the raffle to be used in an equitable way to reduce team and club fees, thereby making extracurriculars more accessible for all students. A portion was also to be used to support Student Council activities and, hopefully, to replace the annual student fees.

     (L) Winner Elisha Patey and Cham-bette                              Martha Bennett

The raffle concluded on December 22nd, with the winning ticket drawn and the winner was an alumni and mother of two daughters who are currently attending SDSS, Elisha Patey, whose share of the raffle was $2,055.

The Cham-bettes portion of the raffle was approximately $1,600 but the organization decided to top it up with a donation of $1,400 to bring the total contribution to the school up to $3,000.  Cham-bette Martha Bennett presented the winnings on January 19th (2024) to the Student Council co-Presidents and elementary students.

(L) Co-Presidents Student Council Hiba Rana & Lucas Harris, Cham-bette Martha Bennett, Haroon Hussain and                                                Keagan Kruse – for larger view, Click on Image