Chantry Centre seniors enjoy ancient Chinese tile game

The Chinese tile game Mahjong, that dates back to the mid-1800s, and perhaps before, has come to Southampton.  The Chantry Centre has a large contingent of players but is always accepting new players, whether experienced or novices, and will happily train new players.

Mahjong Scores
October 21st, 2019
Table 1: First place Harry Mazmanian, second place John Dallaire, third place Margitta Lange
Table 2: First place shared by Bev Neely, second place shared by Deb Jennings and Maureen Elliott
Table 3: First place Darleen Kenyon, second place Bev Neely, third place Carol Kennedy.
October 28th, 2019
Table 1:  First place Harry Mazmanian, second place Sandy Mazmanian, third place John Dallaire.
Table 2:  First place Joanne Sumner, second place Lynn Ainslie, third place Cheryl Meikle.
Table 3:  First place Chris Bergstrom, second place Darlene Kenyon, third place Marnie Colley.
November 4th, 2019
Table 1:  First place Sandy Mazmanian, second place Carol Kennedy, third place shared by Margitta Lange and Harry Mazmanian.
Table 2:  First place Chris Bergstrom, second place Joanne Sumner, third place John Dallaire.
Table 3:  First place Darlene Kenyon, second place Catherine Tolton, third place Marnie Colley.
For more information please call: Margitta at 519-797-2669, or email at: