Christmas Tour of Homes 2023 a resounding success

The 2023 Cham-bette Christmas Tour of Homes has come to a close for another year and the group is excited to announce that 931 visitors came out to view the festively decorated homes raising approximately $25,000 for the Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation.

On December 14th (2023), members of the Cham-bettes’ Home Tour Organizing Committee paid a visit to the Hospital Radiothon fundraiser at 97.9the Bruce, where they presented the funds to Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation Executive Director, Tracy Murray.

Committee Chair, Jo-Anne Willetts, Treausurer Donna Dollmaier, Foundation Executive Director Tracy Murray, Foundation Board Director Martha Bennett and Sandy Howcroft Tour Committee member

“This success could not have been achieved without the support and generosity of our homeowners – Monica Frauts, Megan & Josh Gingrich, Jo-Anne & Dann Kupiec, Odette & Andrew Bartnicki, Kim Rice & Rich Grubb and Anne & Steven MacKay as well as the Beach Motel. Decorating and product was supplied by Interior Motives, Accents, Mowbray’s Canadian Tire, Home Hardware Southampton and our very talented homeowners. Our Homes magazine will showcase five of our homes in a “Spirit of Christmas” feature in their 2024 Holiday edition,” said Chair Jo-Anne Willetts.

The Committee thanks each and every person who attended the tour and to our volunteers.

The Cham-bettes 2024 Christmas Tour of Homes is planned for Friday, November 15th and Saturday, November 16th, with six more homes whose owners have already offered to open their homes to raise funds for the local hospital.

Hope to see you there!