Whether it’s fundraising, donating toys, donating food or helping out a family in need, the community of Saugeen Shores always seems to come through.
“To tell the truth, I was worried this year,” said Fire Service Food Drive organizer, Lorne Currie. “There has been such a need this year and the response has been incredible for things like the Police Toy Drive, the high school food drive and others and I wondered if people would be willing to help yet another cause.”
With an emotional tremor in his voice, Currie thanked the fire fighters and paramedics who gave up their Saturday to volunteer for their annual food drive and the paramedics first toy drive. “Not only have you, the volunteers, made a difference but this community has been phenomenal. We are over last year and I didn’t think that was possible. The response has been simply amazing.”
Truck after truck load of food was collected at Southampton Foodland, Rowland’s Independent Grocer and WalMart and delivered to the Salvation Army Food Bank’s new location on Barnes Ave. in Port Elgin, along with many gift cards and kettles filled with money.
Rowland’s Independent Grocer
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Southampton Foodland
At WalMart, Paramedics could not believe the response to their first toy drive. On their way out of the store, customers dropped off new toys, plush stuffed animals and games. One little girl and boy are also going to be very happy on Christmas morning when they receive a new bike donated by a generous customer.
The new Food Bank space, completely renovated by Barry’s Construction in the building the company recently purchased, was filled as the bags of food kept on coming. “This is going to be an incredible space when it is totally completed,” says Diane Thorne, Volunteer Co-ordinator for the Salvation Army Port Elgin. “The community has ensured that our families in need will have the Christmas that everyone deserves.”
Salvation Army Food Bank