As a company, Bruce Power owes much of our success to a strong set of values that we use to help guide our actions each and every day. Those values are: Safety First; Performance Excellence and Social Responsibility.
This not only means protecting people and the environment, it’s also about supporting our local communities by strengthening the economy and helping out with organizations and charities. We’re also helping to drive Ontario forward to hit clean air targets and through our Made-in-Ontario supply chain that pumps billions into the provincial economy and supports good-paying jobs.
On a global level, we’re a leader in the supply of medical isotopes that are key in the fight against cancer and in the sterilization of medical devices.
It’s one thing to talk a big game about our commitment to Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) issues, but we’ve gone a step further to measure ourselves in key areas, both internally and against industry peers.
Bruce Power has released its 2023 Sustainability Report, which highlights the company’s ongoing commitment to having a positive impact in our local community and in supporting provincial and federal carbon-reduction goals.
The report provides clear, relevant disclosure of the company’s ESG commitments and focuses on 28 key performance indicators that are monitored annually.
In August 2022, Bruce Power received its third straight ESG Risk Rating from the third-party agency Morningstar Sustainalytics, which showed year-over-year strong and improving performance while maintaining a Low-Risk ESG Rating (12.9). The latest ESG Risk Rating ranked the company a spot in the Top 3 within its sub-industry on a global scale and in the top three per cent in the Utilities industry covered by Morningstar Sustainalytics. In 2023, Bruce Power was included on Sustainalytics’ list of ESG Industry Top-Rated and ESG Regional Top-Rated companies.
Our environmental and social principles have always been part of our core values and we have made the ambitious commitment to achieve Net Zero emissions from site operations by 2027, becoming the first nuclear operator in North America to announce such an aggressive target.
While Bruce Power reliably produces large volumes of emissions-free electricity, this next step ensures it minimizes and offsets emissions from routine undertakings such as vehicles, machinery, buildings, and equipment.
Bruce Power also has issued $1.1 billion in Green Bonds to date with the inaugural issuance of $500 million in November 2021 being a global first for nuclear power, and a significant milestone in the recognition of the critical role nuclear technology plays in fighting climate change and enabling a Net Zero future. Released in June 2022, the Green Bond Impact Report provides information on the allocation and impact of the Green Bond proceeds related to the November 2021 issuance. The next impact report will be released in mid-2023.
We care deeply about our people, the environment and our surrounding communities and contributing to a sustainable future while generating 30 per cent of Ontario’s carbon-free electricity and life-saving medical isotopes.
To read Bruce Power’s 2023 Sustainability Report, visit https://www.brucepower.com/resources/publications/