COVID-19 Outbreak update: Hanover Rooming House

The Grey Bruce Health Unit continues to manage a COVID-19 outbreak declared in the rooming house located at 315 10th St, Hanover. There is now an onsite Emergency Management Unit, consisting of multiple mobile trailers and a daily response team. This team includes EMS, Addiction and Mental Health professionals, food provision, primary care, and multiple consulting agencies.

There are 16 identified cases associated with the location and an additional 32 high risk contacts. The facility remains closed, however a number of individuals, both cases and high risk contacts, remain in self isolation in the residence. Others are isolating in other locations.

Upon the launch of this investigation, and the subsequent declaration of an outbreak, Public Health immediately brought together system partners and other stakeholders to develop strategies to ensure containment, but also, to ensure essential services and supports remained possible in the location. This response also recognizes the unique needs of vulnerable populations during crisis situations. We hope the public will also recognize these needs must be met as part of a comprehensive harm reduction and infectious disease containment strategy.

Resources included mental health, primary care, EMS medical monitoring and site coordination. Local food and social support organizations ensures the vital supports including food, water, clothing, essential care products. Public Health provided Harm Reduction, and Case and Contact Management Services in line with Provincial protocols and guidelines. 

Public Health acknowledges and thanks the various organizations for their support. 

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Public health remains the lead in all COVID-19 Outbreaks and Case and Contact Management.