To all Who Participated:
First of all, I want to thank everyone once again for responding to my challenge to raise funds in benefit of our Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation by entering the Creative Writing Contest and submitting your stories.
Together, we raised over $700 dollars in much needed support for our Hospital Foundation. Thank You!
The panel of jurors met to discuss the literary merits of the stories and after serious considerations and deliberations, the finalists are listed as follows:
“My Pandemic Angel” by Sally Kidson
“What Will you do Without It” by Cynthia Matthews
“Pandemic Musings” by Michele Wake
“The Safe Harbour of Home” by Jennifer Frankum
“Honourable Mention to ‘Silver Linings’ by Jan Mitchell
The Saugeen Times published the stories in a series so that everyone can read them.
It is my opinion, and that of the jurors, that every story submitted deserves an honourable mention as they all contained elements that move, intrigue, engage and inspire the reader.
Finally, I want to thank, Frances Barrick, retired Journalist, Lee Johnston and Doug Archer, published authors, for graciously accepting the task to serve as the judges.
What a privilege it has been to read the stories during COVID-19. I only hope that the writers keep up their writing and to stay in peace and health during this difficult time/
With sincere appreciation,
Luz Maria Alvarez-Wilson