A number of local fitness enthusiasts finished the final leg of the 3.5-year Canada Fitness Race this spring, making their way digitally from Edmonton to Victoria, B.C.
Many in the group started in January of 2019, leaving St. John’s, Newfoundland for the first race to Halifax, Nova Scotia. Each subsequent race went west, from provincial capital to provincial capital.
The 20 participants walked, jogged, cycled, swam, skated, roller bladed, skied, rowed and found other ways to log their kilometres, celebrating each race end with a charity draw, where one lucky participant donated the registration money to the charity of their choice.
For this final race, the prize money was supplemented with registration money from an additional race through the arctic, from territory to territory, and from extra donations from participants. Bob Hunter, who place second in this final race to Victoria, won the big $700 prize, and personally added $300 to his winnings, in order to offer Huron Shores Hospice a $1000 donation.
Many local charities have benefitted, along the trek, from each race’s winnings, and the many who participated enjoyed the camaraderie and the motivation to stay active.