Deloitte conducts survey for South Bruce as host community for DGR

The South Bruce community is well aware of the NWMO Project and plans to take part in the 2024 referendum about willingness to host the deep geologic repository (DGR) for used nuclear fuel, according to community survey results presented by Deloitte.

Key findings of the survey, conducted July 10th to August 11th, include:
• 97% of survey respondents said they were at least somewhat familiar with the Project and 88% said they will definitely vote in the referendum.
• Three-quarters agreed that the Municipality had done a sufficient job informing the public about the Project.
• 62% of residents surveyed said they believe the Municipality is taking the right actions to meet future needs of the community and placed a high priority on a progressive and growing economy and the the proposed Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) Project.

Survey participants said they preferred to receive information through household mailers in the form of flyers and newsletter type publications. Results also showed that people are most interested in learning more about the Project’s impacts on local water sources and the local economy.

“The Municipality has been focused on sharing as much information as is available about the Project, so that residents can make an informed decision about their willingness to have the NWMO Project in South Bruce,” said Mayor Mark Goetz.
The Municipality commissioned this survey to better understand how well community members understand the Project, what additional information they need and what topics they are most interested in learning about.

Consulting firm Deloitte conducted the survey on behalf of the Municipality in early July. A postcard with survey information, a unique PIN for online submission and instructions for alternative participation methods was delivered to every ratepaying household in South Bruce. There were 198 valid submissions from the community – a statistically valid sample.

“To ensure the accuracy of the data from the South Bruce Community Survey, Deloitte employed a comprehensive Quality Control process. This process includes multiple checkpoints using a combination of built-in security screening criteria,” said Simon Webb, Manager at Deloitte.

Webb explained that the sample size resulted in a +/-7.0% margin of error at a 95% confidence level, accurately representative of the South Bruce.

“By using this methodology, the final survey results provide an accurate depiction of the community’s awareness of the proposed NWMO Project,” he added.

Deloitte presented a report about the method and results of the South Bruce Community Survey during the Community Liaison Committee meeting on September 7th. The full report by Deloitte is available on the Municipal website and in the meeting agenda. It will also be presented to Council on September 12th.