Bruce County EarlyON Child and Family Centres (EarlyON) will be resuming in-person programs beginning the week of March 1, 2021.
Families are encouraged to visit the Bruce County website and Bruce County EarlyON Facebook Pages for registration information, including a schedule of dates and times for each location.
EarlyON program participants are required to register for in-person programs by phone at 1-800-616- 8116; drop-in options are not available at this time.
Upon registration, families will speak to an EarlyON Educator who will provide details of what to expect and required screening protocols. Enhanced health and safety protocols are in place and EarlyON Educators have planned exciting options for individual use of creative materials, toys, and equipment. Group sizes and room layouts have been modified to allow for physical distancing.
Go to Bruce County EarlyON Facebook pages for engaging posts including group time experiences, story times, and DIY activities that enhance developmental health and well-being for children ages 0- 6!