EF0 Tornado now confirmed in Point Clark on August 28

The Township of Huron-Kinloss has received confirmation that an EF0 Tornado hit the Point Clark Area in and around the areas of London Road and Lake Range Drive and Rosinke Drive and Huron Road on August 28, 2020 around 10:15 p.m.

The tornado caused downed trees which caused damage to approximately seven (7) properties. Emergency services attended the site and reported no injuries to the public were sustained. The area is now cleared of all debris. Mayor Twolan released a statement thanking the community and first responders for their work.

“On behalf of Council, I would like to express my deepest thanks to, the South Bruce OPP, Red Cross, Victim Services, Hydro One, County of Bruce Community Emergency Management, our local contractors, and to our Local Fire Departments, Public Works, and all Township Staff involved in the emergency, along with our residents that helped each other out during and after the incident.”

“During a time where our resources have been focused on the pandemic, it is these first responders that rise to the difficult challenges and for that we are extremely grateful” says Mayor Twolan.