When it comes to raising funds for the local Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation, every little bit counts significantly toward the purchase of equipment.

On Sunday, July 29th, the Champion-Wuntke brothers, Nathan and Liam who are vacationing in Southampton, decided to make a contribution through the sale of lemonade to the local hospital, where their grandmother was an emergency room nurse until her retirement.
It was a perfect time for the decision as it was the Marine Heritage Festival weekend and War on the Shore bike races. It was hot and there were crowds of people out for the event. From the flatbed of their grandfather’s mini truck, they had the perfect stage to serve their ice-cold delicious lemonade and water.

After three hours, the brothers had raised $157.10 which they presented on Monday to Hospital Foundation Executive Director, Sally Kidson. “Every little bit counts toward the purchase of equipment and this is truly appreciated.”