Everyday Saints in the ordinariness of life

Photo by Sebastian Leon Prado/Unsplash

Have you ever met someone who truly inspired you?  Not the heavy weights such as Martin Luther King Jr or Mother Teresa but everyday people.  Those whose days are filled with ordinary tasks such as grocery shopping, paying the bills, laundry, making supper, working and helping the kids with their homework; everyday Saints who blaze a trail of faithful living through the ordinariness of life.

These folks inspire me because of their vision.  Where I see endings, they see new beginnings, where I see lack they see opportunities or where I see despair they see something to be grateful for.  They embody the gospel for me, living their lives as faithful followers of the one who said such amazing things as, “Do not be afraid.  Take courage, I am here.”  (Matthew 14:27, LBT).  They joyfully celebrate God’s presence and wisdom in every situation, no matter the circumstances.

They remind me of a quote attributed to Francis of Assisi, “Preach the gospel at all times and when necessary use words.” We are not sure he actually said these words but certainly his short life of 44 years was a testimony to their wisdom. And those who inspire me seem to effortlessly live by the wisdom of these words; not preaching the hopefulness of the gospel with flowery sermons but instead living it day by day in the trenches of life.

The Apostle Paul is another example. While in prison with an uncertain future he writes a letter to the church in Philippi reminding them that he is constantly praying in joy for them. (Phil 1:4)  He spends his imprisonment writing letters, praying for others and testifying to God’s steadfast love.  His response to his circumstances was so impressive he became a person of timeless inspiration challenging us all to, “….dare to proclaim the gospel with greater boldness and without fear.” (Phil 1:14).

Thanks be to God for these ordinary, everyday Saints who inspire us to a higher way of living!