As of March 31st, according to OPP, there has been a “bad shipment” of the illicit opioid Fentanyl in the Saugeen First Nation community.
According to reports, Saugeen First Nation (SFN) Fire Department recently responded to two overdose calls, with possibly more incidents where emergency help was not sought.
Naloxone rescue medication kits are available at the Mino-Bimaadsain Health Centre, the SFN Fire Hall and the new Wellness Centre on Village Road. The kits can be taken home for emergency purposes and can also be located at any of the Band operated buildings during open hours in an emergency. Immediately after administering Naloxone, emergency numbers should be contacted.
For anyone suffering from an overdose or illegal substance abuse, contact Cancom Security at 519-379-5332, Wiarton OPP at 1-888-310-1122 or 911 immediately. Any person present when a call is made to 911 for an overdoes is protected by the Good Samaritan Drug Overdow Act and protects those persons from being arrested for possession of an illegal substance.