Fire destroys home at Saugeen First Nation

A fire that began in the afternoon on Tuesday, May 10th at Saugeen First Nation completely destroyed a home as the volunteer fire brigade fought to save surrounding homes.

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The smouldering ruins were continually barraged with water in an attempt to keep hot spots under control.

People in the house were apparently able to escape unhurt according to Saugeen Deputy Fire Chief Curtis Roote.  Some residents living ‘downwind’ from the smoke however, had to be taken to hospital due to smoke inhalation.

The cause of the fire is yet unknown but Roote expected fire fighters to remain on site for most of the night to ensure no flare-ups occur.

“If this were a legacy home, people would have some 15 minutes, perhaps a little more, to get out,” said Roote.  “With a newer home like this one though, they only have three to four minutes because of all the synthetic materials used.  We were able to save the two homes on either side which could easily have been involved given their proximity.”