Five South Bruce students awarded post-Secondary Bursaries

Five local students have been awarded with the 2023 PostSecondary Student Bursary, each receiving $1,000 to support their continued education.

The five selected recipients – Alena Cassidy, Emma Culbert, Harley Martin, Michelle Van Stuyvenberg and Viviane Weiland, each strongly demonstrated their commitment to making South Bruce a better place to live through community involvement, career ambitions and their vision for the future.

Learn more about the 2023 Post-Secondary Student Bursary recipients in the attached backgrounder.

Applicants were asked to submit an essay explaining what changes they believe may occur in South Bruce should the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO)’s deep geological repository be sited in the community. Representatives from the Community Liaison Committee (CLC), Municipal staff and the NWMO reviewed and scored the applications. Names and other identifiable information were redacted from the applications to ensure a fair and anonymous selection process.

“Applicants showed a keen interest in community involvement and career goals that made it clear to the bursary review committee that the future is bright in South Bruce,” said CLC member Lexie Colvin.