Saugeen Shores now has a Flag Policy that provides a guideline for the etiquette of raising flags and half-masting flags that are flown on Municipal property.
The policy will apply to all properties except the Saugeen Shores Police Service which has its own etiquette for fallen police or RCMP officers.
The policy also establishes the flag pole in front of the Nuclear Innovation Centre (NII), 620 Tomlinson Dr, in Port Elgin as the Community Flag Pole.
The CAO is delegated the authority to grant permission to raise a flag on the Community pole provided the request is in accordance with the policy and also to determine the appropriate length of time to fly a flag on the Community pole.
The policy also delegates the authority to the Mayor and/or CAO to authorize flags to be lowered to half-mast as a sign of respect, condolence or to commemorate significant dates.
In addition, the policy outlines the appropriate position of flags along with the appropriate disposition of flags that have become weathered and/or worn out.
Guidance for the etiquette of raising and half-masting is also provided by Heritage Canada – Government of Canada National Flag Canada Etiquette.
Deputy Mayor Don Matheson said that he would like to see a more significant pole or more poles that would accommodate four flags. “I would like to see the Canadian flag, Provincial flag, Municipal flag and special occasion flag. All four flags should be at the facility.”
Under the Canadian flag etiquette, if two or more flags are flown or displayed together, the flags should be approximately the same size and should be flown from separate flagstaffs at the same height. When three flags are flown together, the Canadian flag occupies the centre position, with the Provincial flag to the left and the third flag to the right when facing the flags.
The large Southampton flag at the foot of High Street is maintained by the volunteer group, the Southampton Friends of the Flag. The Mayor said that the town has an excellent relationship with the volunteers who look after the flag and that will continue.
To read the entire Policy, click on: Saugeen Shores Flag Policy