Flood hazard mapping study on going by SVCA

The Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority (SVCA), in collaboration with Water’s Edge Environmental Solutions, is in the process of completing a flood hazard mapping study for the Township of Huron-Kinloss and for the Southampton area in the Town of Saugeen Shores.

This initiative will inform future decision-making related to safeguarding people and properties from natural hazards.

Development of flood hazard mapping involves field investigations (topographic, bathymetric, and hydraulic structures), a hydrology study (including modelling), the development of flood line maps, and summary of the findings in a comprehensive report.

Residents, stakeholders and interested community members are invited to attend public information sessions, in Huron-Kinloss and Saugeen Shores, to review the draft results of the study. Members of the project team will be in attendance to display the draft floodplain maps and answer questions about the study methodology, results, and implications.

The public information sessions are scheduled as follows:

  • Huron-Kinloss: Feb. 26, from 5-8 p.m., at the Point Clark Community Centre, 344 Lake Range Drive, Point Clark, Ontario
  • Saugeen Shores: Feb. 27, from 6:30-8 p.m., at The Plex, Rotary Hall B, 600 Tomlinson Drive, Port Elgin, Ontario