Food Bank Van Replacement – a Community Project


A project spearheaded by the Rotary Club of Southampton, in partnership with the Port Elgin Rotary Club, the Port Elgin and District Lions Club and the new Saugeen Shores Rotary Club, will plan and develop a sustainable fund to replace and maintain the van for the Salvation Army Food Bank.

At a ceremony at 11:00 am on Tuesday October 12th at the Salvation Army Food Bank,  614 Barnes Avenue, Port Elgin, the Clubs will officially announce the launch of the Food Bank Van Replacement Project. The fund will be managed by the Rotary Club of Southampton and has an initial target of $30,000 to be raised by October, 2024.

Southampton Rotary along with the Lions Club and Port Elgin Rotary have a long history of supporting the Food Bank, having jointly funded the current vehicle which is nearing the end of it’s operational life.

John Van Bastelaar a member of the Southampton Club’s Community Services Committee said: “We are thrilled to make this announcement during ‘Celebrate Community’ Week which reinforces the local Service Clubs’ long term commitment to supporting this essential service”.

For further information contact Rotarian John Van Bastelaar at Tel: 519-832-5800 or by email:

About Celebrate Community Week: This announcement coincides with Celebrate Community, a weeklong service event taking place October 10 – 16. During this time, Rotary, Rotaract, Kiwanis, Lions, and Optimist clubs are encouraged to collaborate with one another to complete a service project that benefits the community. #rotary #celebratecommunity

About Southampton Rotary

Southampton Rotary has served this community for over 80 years. We are a group of friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who unite and take action to create lasting change in our community and around the world. We are people of action who have used our passion, energy, and skills to improve lives through service. From promoting literacy and peace to providing clean water, protecting the environment and improving health care, Rotary members are always working to better the world or as we like to say doing “DO-GOODERY!”